The Boeing Employee Catholics – Mission Statement
The Boeing Catholics are an informal group of lay Catholics. In order to enrich the lives of Boeing Catholics, we will provide an electronic communication link between Catholics on a variety of issues pertinent to the Catholic life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Are there dues?
A. No.
Q. Will I have obligations or time commitments?
A. No – If your personal / family schedule is packed, you can just receive info as it comes.
or Yes – If you are interested in fellowship, which crosses parish lines, the opportunity is there for you.
Q. Will this interfere with work?
A. No, home email addresses are used. Fellowship takes place outside of company time..
Q. Is this group Orthodox (i.e. faithful to the teachings of the Pope and Magisterium)?
A. Yes. It is a sad reality that some people are not sure about their fidelity to the teachings of the Church. This is not held against anybody. It is, however, our hope that all will someday join in that fullness of Truth.
Q. What are the advantages?
A. Communication - The information exchange, which crosses parish lines, is very helpful. Many people have commented on the importance to share data. For example: Which organizations / corporations share Catholic values? When is a famous Catholic speaker in town? Where are some good Catholic resources?
Fellowship – Meet other Catholics.
Q. When did this group begin?
A. August 1998
Q. If I have information to share with the Boeing Employee Catholic’s how do I distribute it?
A. In order to preserve the integrity of the Boeing Employee Catholics distributions, please send all distributions to Jon Seeds at Jon, Eric Wendle and Vince Michalak will vote if the material is in accord with the Boeing Employee Catholic mission statement. It is a quick process so please don't hesitate to share your Catholic info with other Boeing Catholics. Below are some general guidelines.
Newsworthy Events: As a general rule, news / information relevant to our Catholic values will be distributed case by case. For example, if a major charitable organization embraces moral positions contrary to Catholic teaching, Catholics should know about it. Please verify that the information is valid and faithful to Church teaching before requesting distribution.
Parish Activities: As a general rule, parish activities that are 1. Faith Building and 2. Notable will be distributed to members.
- WRYT Catholic Radio. Call them at 314-752-7000, and they will put your event on the air for free.
- Arch diocese tools such as websites (see Young Adult Ministry), newspapers (local and Catholic).
Common Sense will always trump the general rule, so don't hesitate to request a distribution if you feel strongly about it.
Are there any Boeing employees available to answer my Catholic questions?A.
Please feel free to contact Vince Michalak at or Eric Wendle at They will be able to help or find you the right resources.
Q. Do you have to be Catholic to join the Boeing Employee Catholic's?
A. No, all sincere inquirers are welcome.